Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 29th: Morning invitation to gather

Sr. Roja (India): "With a grateful heart, let us begin this new day, the countless blessings the Lord showered upon us throughout yesterday, especially for the knowledge, wisdom, discovery, understanding and friendship. Let us take a moment, quieten our being, experience the breath we take in, and breath out. Let us remember as we breath in, our God’s saying, “My daughter, you are precious in my sight and I love you.” And as we exhale, we shall remember our brothers and sisters and tell them “You are precious to me and I love you.” Let this thought linger in our mind and heart. Gathered as one privileged CSJ family, we praise our God the creator, the Father-Mother God, to take hold of us, and thus we pray this Psalm and give praise to Him." 

Psalm of the Cosmos (read aloud by Sr. Henrietta) 

Loving God, loving God 

all creation holds you blessed, 
 and so do we, and so do we. 
 Loving God, 
all your creation calls you blessed. 
 Your spirit imprints the whole universe with life and mystery. 
Yes, all creation proclaims your love. 
 We now join this chorus of praise. 
Loving God, 
 all of nature calls you blessed, and so do we. 
 For you have woven an intimate tapestry 
 and call it life and called it good. 
In love you have formed a universe 
 so diverse yet so related, 
 and into its web you call us forth 
 to walk the land and swim the sea 
 with all our natural brothers and sisters. 
To the stars we seem no more than blades of grass. 
Yet to you, each of us, as each blade of grass 
 and each star, is an irreplaceable treasure, 
 an essential companion on this journey of love. 
Loving God, 
 as you lure the whole world into salvation, 
 guide us with your Spirit 
 that we might not be only pilgrims on the earth, 
 but pilgrims with the earth, 
 journeying home to you. 
Open our hearts to understand 
 the intimate relationship that you have with all creation. 
 Only with this faith can we hope for tomorrow’s children. 
Amen. Alleluia! 
Loving God, loving God, 
 all creation calls you blessed, 
 and so do we, and so do we.

Dear friends, 

Let us bring before our minds our peoples for whom we are called to live and for whom we are sent for. To proclaim that world that we are doubters of the great cloud of God, remembering the needs of all our dear brothers and sisters, asking God to grant us the grace to empower them and I want them to live in peace and joy. And so we pray to our dear God, trusting in his providential love and care. Let us hold the hands of our neighbors and sisters next to us, praying our father together in our own language.

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