[Note: Below is the transcript of the reflection Sr. Carol Zinn gave at the Catholic Day of Action on July 18, 2019. Sr. Carol is both a Sister of St. Joseph of Philadelphia and executive director of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). The next Catholic Day of Action for Immigrant Children will be held on Wednesday, September 4, 2019 in Newark, New Jersey. If you are interested in attending and would like to join the CSSJ U.S. Federation contingency — or would like additional information — please fill out this form.]
LCWR Reflections
at the Catholic Presence at the Capital
Thursday 18 July
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Members of the CSSJ Federation at the July Catholic Day of Action in Washington, DC. |
you for being here as people of faith. Thank you for inviting us to share in
this important gathering.
am Sister Carol Zinn, a Sister of Saint Joseph and the Executive Director of
the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR). We represent 300+ religious
congregations of women out of the 400+ here in the United States. Our members
represent 80-85 percent of the Catholic Sisters living and ministering in our
Catholic community around the world heard the familiar parable of the Good
Samaritan at the celebration of the Eucharist recently. "Who is my neighbor?"
was the question posed by the scholar of the Law. And the answer is as clear
today as it was when the answer was given: "the person who treated the one in
need with mercy and compassion." The person who did the good regardless of the
cost. The person who did the good regardless of the inconvenience. The person
who did the good regardless if it was popular or not. The Good Samaritan, the
Golden Rule, the countless stories where the Gospel message and the sacred
texts of other world religions provide the way in which we are to live as
sisters and brother to each other are so clear: tend the widows; care for the
orphans, and make sure no one is in need!
remind every civilization that they will not be judged by their nation's Gross
National Product nor the success measured by Wall Street nor the strength of
their economy, military or politics. No, civilizations and cultures are and
will be judged by the way they treat the most vulnerable, marginalized, poor
and oppressed among them.
Sr. Carol Zinn addressing the press and the crowd during Catholic Day of Action. |
are here today because of our faith. The Gospel message compels us to act now.
The values of our own homeland, the United States of America, demand that we
act now. The long history Catholic Sisters have had as immigrant communities
themselves to this country and the 2 centuries of presence and ministry to the
most vulnerable of God's People prompt us to act now — to stand here and stay
here until our faith and our values are respected and reverenced.
have seen the pain, suffering, fear, and trauma of our sisters and brothers at
our southern border firsthand. In these recent months, as the humanitarian
crisis has escalated, we've joined hundreds of thousands of our citizens who
are outraged as the horrific treatment of families and, especially, children
come into our living rooms and media screens. The inhumane treatment of
children, being done in our name, must STOP.
the pain.
the suffering.
the oppression.
the traumatizing.
the isolation.
the detention of children.
the name of the values of this country — STOP.
the name of the good, the compassionate, the merciful, the kind, the just
One — STOP.
the name of the future generations in this country and in the countries, who
are our neighbors —STOP.
the inhumanity.
the detention of children.
are here not only to demand that these actions STOP. We are here to demand that
new actions START.
placing children with members of their families in this country, with sponsors who
are available all across this country, with community-based case management
programs where they can stay until they are able to appear in immigration
Sr. Mary Beth Hamm (Philadelphia) at the Catholic Day of Action. |
listening to the stories of those who journey to our southern border. Who of us
would leave everything behind and undertake the perilous journey these families
choose to make? Who would do that? Only people who are desperate and in great
need and fear for their lives and the lives of their families. LISTEN to them.
addressing the systemic reasons why people choose to leave their homeland.
addressing the policies from 20, 30, 40, 50 years ago implemented by our own
government that have created the situation in countries from which people are
addressing our own need for humility and vulnerability to own our complicity in
creating the situations from which these people are escaping with their lives.
Catholic women religious of LCWR continue to serve the needs of the most
vulnerable. In the past few months over 1000 Catholic Sisters have spent time
ministering to those in need who come to our southern border. Even as we stand
here today our Sisters and their Associates, Partners in Mission, volunteers in
ministry are present along the border. And we have donated over $1 Million to
help support the needed care of the human family seeking safety, security and a
better life for their families. We will continue to minister to their needs and
advocate for the systemic policy changes so that just immigration procedures
will be enacted.
is my neighbor? The one who is in need! Who was neighbor to the one in need?
The one who did the GOOD. How do we live the message found in the Gospel: "As
long as you did it to the least of my brothers and sisters, you did it to me."
Five simple words: You did it to me. We have the entire Gospel on the tips of
our fingers. The same fingers that send emails and texts and phone calls to our
congressional representatives. The same fingers that we will use to vote. You
did it to me!
we stand as one in our faith, in the love of the values of our homeland and in compassionate
service to the most vulnerable wherever we see them. Amen.
Carol, what an inspiring message to action!
ReplyDeleteThank you for speaking on our behalf.